During the evaluation period, a small team of two people estimated that they generated $20,000 in gross revenue as a direct result of reaching out to tourists via Twitter. When this team steps away from the campaign, the net profit and ROI materialize. Since this program is still ongoing, it can be expected that a positive ROI is being calculated. Below are metrics that measure one of several KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that track progress toward an overall program or business goal : – in pre-tax profit due to its partnership with Foursquare – Dell reported a $3 million increase in sales from Twitter’s @DellOutlet account – Dell also realizes significant savings by listening to conversations about system failures and errors and quickly creating and distributing fixes before they become public and cause panic.
– Houston-based Coffee Grounds reports a 20-30% increase in sales and market share due to interactions on Twitter – Zappos claims that proactively sharing its culture using social media helps increase sales. – JetBlue and United Airlines know exactly how much money they made from Uganda Phone Number List their social network deals – Comcast measures the lifetime value of each customer versus the cost of interacting with them on social networks. Defining the “purpose” before the means The return on investment is higher than the return on ignorance.
For example, the cost of interacting with a customer can benefit from conversational transaction outcomes, as well as PR and branding benefits. Failing to address growing user dissatisfaction on social networks is also costly. Although funds and resources are limited, social media cannot be ignored. The only thing I don't know is to what extent social media is more or less valuable than other forms of marketing, service, sales, branding, PR, etc. Setting milestones in advance or running a pilot program with goals in mind will allow you to compare and contrast performance at the campaign level and with other initiatives.