How could we help who? solve a problem what? or meet a need what? so that description of the solutions impact on the given need . Problem defined? Lets go! After the preparation resulting from the previous two stages and determining the assumptions of our project, we can move on to the most enjoyable part, which, thanks to the work done earlier, will not involve blindly shooting out ideas. experiences and needs at the level of empathy and defined the design challenge.
We can finally let our imagination run wild and start looking for solutions . At this stage, we Japan Phone Numbers 75 Million List get rid of all boundaries, we do not worry about the budget or the scalability of ideas. Our goal is to generate as many solutions to a defined problem as possible . This is where our creativity manifests itself most strongly. Remember that brilliant ideas will not come to us between a hastily written email and an unexpected phone call from a client.
The creativity process needs appropriate conditions, which Teresa Amabile pointed out in the article How to kill creativity. aspects that support creativity according to Teresa Amabile design thinking Source Own study based on the article How to Kill Creativity by T. Amabile And if preparing the right conditions turns out to be insufficient to get the team buzzing with ideas, I recommend using one of the tools that help in the ideation process . –